Tuesday 22 January 2019


PREP for TUESDAY 22 January 
MOJO Another quick and easy revision prep, worth 5 marks. Base your analysis on MOJO's March 2019 issue. the exam question won't have the covermount (free CD) so don't refer to it.


Mojo is a music magazine prodominatley aimed at males who have an intrest in rock music, most covers connote a serious intimidating tone, so having Joni Mitchell with a beaming smile on the front cover is a break of stereotypes for both the magazine and fans. Joni despite smiling in the cover has pull quotes such as "My gift was born of tragedy" which is more like the usual tone in which we see Mojo to be in, this pull quote explains the tough reality of being a rock-star and that it is more than meets the eye, something which is broadly touched on in Mojo covers.
Other stories about bigger artists like David Bowie are included, these stories also cover a sober issue of "baptism! betrayal! the untold story!", this makes the reader have sympathy for who is included making them more likely to pick up the magazine as they wish to find out more.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 3 out of 4 for analysing the representation of musicians on the MOJO cover.
    Very good. You are right about Joni's depiction being a counter stereotype as she is female and laughing. You could nail it by also commenting on the 'agony and the ecstasy' depiction of Joni's life as one of a tormented genius, typical of the respect which MOJO accords rock legends and 'geniuses'. The reference to Bowie's 'betrayal' is similar with its connotations of controversy and suffering for his art. There are also references to the 'magic' of Lovin' Spoonful's John Sebastian, which connotes his special status and the reverence of the MOJO audience. The Specials feature as typical icons with their 40 years track record.
