Thursday, 5 October 2017


 EXAM QUESTION 1; Analyse how sound is used in the extract to create meaning. Refer to atleast two examples from the extract in your answer.

During the extract of cuffs, there is no non-diegetic sound, this creates the effect of true reality, adding to the whole meaning of Cuffs - to not glamorize everyday jobs like being in the police force. The audio you can hear are very diegetic and very normal.
          Noises you hear are those of the cars in the background which add to the location, the middle of the motor way, showing that the work is never on pause and that being a police officer is high maintenance and you rarely get rest, this is also added to with the noise of the police radio which asks for confirmation of the description - of a suspect the unit may be hunting down. The way in which Ryan does not turn of the radio gives the effect that he will be ready to go back to work as soon as the small dispute is over. Again adding to the fact that the police unit are very committed to their work and don't take breaks often.
        Throughout the extract the voices of the actors slowly rise creating an atmosphere of tension and anger between the two protagonists, for the audience this creates an engaging story line, guaranteeing a watcher to want to come back and watch on to see how the rough relationship develops.
       Outside of the extract of the clash of Jake and Ryan there is no non-diegetic noises besides the opening sequence, which has in my opinion unfitting to the rest of the programme.

1 comment:

  1. 6
    There is some diegetic sound (tense music, for instance) but it is true that greater realism can be effected by cutting down on the strings! You pick a scene that exemplifies this realism, making several thoughtful comments about its effects. Your second example is dialogue. Instead of saying 'throughout the extract' it is better to pick a specific exchange or occasion and be very precise.
    I'm not sure what you mean by the last sentence.
